So it's been a minute since my last meltdown of a post. Not as long as I usually wait between writing, but long enough. I'm feeling marginally better. I've spent a lot of time in prayer and some time talking to my amazing husband about the insanity swirling through my head. All of which has helped. Some. Some days I just feel so far removed from where I want to be, from who I want to be. I've been re-reading some of my books. The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers (if you haven't read it, DO; amazing series) and it sums up my desires for myself so perfectly. I want to be that humble, to serve that gladly, to stay so focused on the Lord, and not the laundry, or the crayon on the table, or the myriad of other things that distract me on any given day. But far too often I allow myself to be distracted, far too often I feel the need to enumerate the countless things I did and put up with for my poor tired husband so that he'll appreciate it all. Never stopping to remind myself that God knows what I did today, and as long as I did it for Him, he will always appreciate it. So I continue in my prayers to be changed, refined, whatever word you choose. Maybe one day I'll get there.
I did get to thoroughly enjoy myself at church on Sunday. I got to help out in the nursery with the little babies. Too much fun. And a nice fix for the ever constant baby fever. It was a bit hectic at times for everyone, and I'm sure I could've been more help (being my first time in there, I wasn't sure where things were and all that), but it was definitely fun and an experience that I hope to repeat at some point.
And our coupon class is coming up soon. Saturday to be exact. I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun. I'm really hoping we get a great turnout. I've enjoyed couponing so much, and hope that we're able to pass that on to others as well. For now, I'm going to get off this computer and spend some time in my book before I have to start getting ready for work. I still haven't gotten put in for full time yet, but was able to pick up two shifts this week putting me at 39 hours. Praise God. Hopefully the full time will come soon.
Everyone enjoy the last of the long weekend.
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