Saturday, June 27, 2009

Long couple of days

So the application is still being processed. We should know how much our deposits are going to be on Monday. I'm so excited. The house is definitely being held for us, it's just a matter of finding out the deposits. Hubby called the movers yesterday morning, and that just brightened our day. Our stuff is in Macon, which is nice; no problem having it delivered once we sign the lease on Thursday. The problem is that the military end of things is claiming that we never applied for our extension back in February. (For those of you who don't know, the military pays to have your stuff held for up to 180 days when you move - plenty of time for someone that's transferring from one base to another to find a place to live. Beyond that, you have to apply for extensions, which we've been doing since it's taken so long for us to get our own place.) So we were told that it would be $5 per pound (we had 5700 pounds) per month I believe it was. Fortunately for us, we had the sent email that we sent back to them in February applying for the extension, the one they claim to have never received. So we sent that along with an explanation of everything that's going on to the chief and we're waiting to hear if they'll overturn the charge. 
I told hubby that we'd move into that house on Thursday with nothing but an air mattress and some paper plates if we had to. So we'll see what happens there.
Earlier this week, I had to take my poor puppy to the vet. He has a really bad ear infection. The medicine seems to be helping quite a bit, but I have to take him back in two weeks just to be sure. Poor thing was just miserable. And the inside of his ear was so swollen from him scratching it, that the vet could hardly get the drops in there. But he does seem to be getting quite a bit better. 
We're hoping to look into getting the new furniture we want this week. We'll see though. We're still tossing around money figures deciding what we want to do on that point. 
I can't wait to get into that little house and start setting it up. It's a rental house in a gated community here. It's sort of like off base military housing. They cater to active duty, retired, DoD contractors, GS, so on. We'll have to have a key card to get into the area (which I love), plus they'll be doing part of the yard work for us (we just have to keep the grass cut inside our fence, they'll handle the rest). It's got the bedrooms, and it claims to have 2 baths, but that makes me laugh. It has a full, standard bathroom of the hallway (the 2nd) bathroom, and the one in the master is nothing but a sink, toilet, and stand alone shower. Which is fine, it's just the way that it's all smushed together. There's the minimum amount of square feet to fit all that in there. But it's okay. It's only for a year, and hopefully we'll be ready to buy around the time the lease is up. That's the plan at least, but we all know what happens when we make plans. But I'm still VERY excited. 
I've started work on my new bedspread. I'll be posting some "preview" pictures about that in the next day or so. I'm planning on alternating between working on it and working on stock items. I'm thinking even days on personal odd days on business. We'll give it a try for a few days and see how it works out. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to GA people

So today was nothing short of amazingly interesting. I woke up to find out that the AC had quit working sometime during the night. Not a big deal, call the repair guy. And this morning was cool enough that it didn't feel too bad. Then it was off to work. I felt pretty productive today. Got 2 out of 5 projects done, and got about a fourth of the way done with the third. Hubby called after his interview to tell me that he got the job (praise God), and a decent pay bump too (not as much as we had been hoping for, but nothing to sneeze at for sure). After that, he went by and got the rental application for the house that we want. I'm so excited at the thought of moving out. I just can't wait. 
After work, I came home to find out that the AC still wasn't working (and yes, it's 11 at night, and it's still not working). So shortly after getting home, Dad left to go get some window units to get us through the night.
He got one situated in their room, and one in Christopher's room. But seeing as my child has already figured out how to climb out his bedroom window, we figured it best not to leave him unsupervised for the night, so I'm sleeping in his room tonight. The epitome of comfort let me tell you. Which leaves my poor hubby alone and hot in our room. But what do you do?
With all the excitement today, I got pitifully little work done on stock, but hope to make up for it tomorrow and Friday. Tomorrow will have a busy start. I have to take the dog to the vet to get more heartworm medicine and get his ear taken care of (poor baby picked up ear mites somewhere). Then I'll drop him off at home and head off to the housing office to put in our application for the house we want. 
I'm so anxious, and a bit nervous too. But God's gotten us this far, I believe he's got more in store for us yet. So that's about it for today. Now to get to sleep. Goodnight everyone. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A lot going on

So we went to look at a house today. I'm feeling really good about this one. It's "off-base housing". It's like an apartment complex, but they're houses, and they cater to active duty military, and base contractors/GS employees. A gated community which Brian loves, but I'm less than thrilled about having to let people in whenever we have company, but whatever. And the "master bathroom" is a joke. It's just a sink, toilet, and stand up shower, with the full bath being the "second bathroom". But it's only for a short time until we feel a little more ready to buy, and I'm so desperate for my own place at this point it's not even funny. I love my in-laws and I can never repay the kindness they've shown us this past year, but I'm a solitary creature, and I really need my own space. 
Brian has his interview with LF tomorrow, and that should seal the deal. In my perfect world, he'll find out that he has the job, be able to fill out and drop off the application tomorrow, and we could be moving in by the 4th of July. But we'll just have to wait and see what God has planned. But I don't feel the least bit guilty hoping that His plan meets up with my wants this time around. 
I've got some more work on stock done today, but not as much as I would've liked. Just one of those days. I don't think it would bother me so much if not for the fact that I have to work all day tomorrow and then rush home and rush back out to make it to church on time, leaving little to no time to get any work done for myself, but that's just the way life is. I cringe at the thought of having to go "on vacation" with my store so soon after starting, but it's a small price to pay for moving right about now. And it'll only be for a few days while we unpack and wait for our internet to be hooked up. Hopefully it won't hurt me too bad. 
But now I need to try to block out all these thoughts and get some sleep before an incredibly long day tomorrow. Wish me luck with that one. 

Monday, June 22, 2009

A great start

So the weekend ended on a rough note. There are some things going on at work that had me pretty upset. But I was reminded that it's only when I'm where God wants me to be that the devil brings attacks against me. She helped me see through the upset and anger, to take a look at not just who I am, but whose I am. Thank you D.
Other than that, work has been okay. I dropped the ball on one thing Sunday. It seams the DM gave a little pop quiz and sent out an email requesting that everyone print it off and fax it to him. I never got around to checking my email on Sunday, so that wasn't so good. It seems like a minor thing, but we are supposed to check every day. Oh well. I won't be making that mistake again.
I spent the majority of this morning on chores. Suffice to say that little man had an upset stomach this morning, and I wound up having to strip the beds and wash the sheets. Fun stuff. So, I ended up keeping him in Pull Ups all day. I hate doing that. I prefer keeping him in underwear whenever we're at home, but I think it was best for both of us to take a day off from potty training until he's feeling better.
I finally cracked up the big bag of yarn that I bought last week, and I'm busy working on some new creations from that. I'm deciding how best to list them at the moment, so it might be a day or two before you see any of them, but they will be there. I also joined a "street team". It's a group of etsy artists that, in this case, are all based out of Georgia. I'm very excited about it; both for what I can learn from those more experienced at etsy selling than myself, and that the chance to form some friendships with them as well.
Tomorrow I plan to keep working on my stock, and perhaps start on a gauge swatch for my bedspread pattern, but we'll see if I get around to that or not.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekend writings

What a wonderful weekend, and it's not even over yet. Hubby and I spent yesterday in Macon doing some furniture shopping and some clothes shopping for me. We found some wonderful pieces of furniture that we're considering for when we move out. I can't wait to move, it's going to feel so good to have my own space again. 
And in honor, I've been working on a pattern for a new bedspread for our new bed. I'm hoping we'll be getting the one we looked at, but if we decide finances won't allow it, I think I'll go ahead and make the bedspread in preparation for when we do upgrade to a bigger bed. I'm very excited about it this bedspread. It will be the first time I've created a pattern on my own. It's a fairly simple pattern, but exciting all the same. 
After looking at furniture, it was off to the mall, where I got some adorable clothes on sale. Then we stopped by Smiley's. It was my hubby's first adventure into the world of Smiley's flea market. I think he was impressed with everything that you can find there. He wants to go back in another week or two. Then we had lunch and came home to spend the rest of the day with our little man. 
We went to check out another house (just the exterior, we're hoping to work out with the landlady to see the inside of two houses this early this week). I really like the one we looked at yesterday though. And then we all had a family dinner at Logan's, in which little man was remarkably well behaved for a change. 
I finished up a second set of dischoths in the same color pattern as the last set (just finishing up with what was left of the yarn, and got those posted this morning. And now I'm going to finish watching some cartoons with my son before getting ready for church.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Shopping and sleep strikes

So I finally got a day off from BBV. Hopefully, the visit from the DM went well today. I haven't heard from anyone so I'm not sure. Lord knows I busted my butt trying to get ready for it, but I just don't know that it was enough. Oh well.
I was thrilled to have a chance to be able to speak to my grandmother today. They're doing well. Unfortunately, Grandpa will be getting laid off from his part time job in a few weeks. It doesn't hurt them much. It gave them some fun money, and gave Grandpa an excuse to get out of the house some. But it still makes me said. The golf course that he's been working at is state run, and the current economy is hitting Georgia pretty hard, so they're cutting expenses wherever they can. But we're still blessed. We have homes and food and family. Those are the most important things.
Hubby heard about an interview for the new company this week. He has an interview with the new group on Wednesday. Which is mostly frustrating on the front that we still don't know if it's going to be the new company or the old company that's going to be working there in the first place. The world of government contracting is a messed up place. But they don't have too much longer to get it straightened out. Hubby's job is only guaranteed through the 26th. So they better get on the ball.
I finally finished my personal project, and it felt so good to get back to work on my stock. I've already finished another item, and can't wait to get it posted. And this morning I was able to get in and finish stocking up on my yarn during the amazing yarn sell. So here's a preview of what's to come.

So be sure to keep a look out for some of the awesome color combinations I'm going to have coming up. As for me, I'm going to finish up a few more things before falling into bed for the night.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a day

Unfortunately, I had to work at the real job all day today. Don't get me wrong, I like my job as much as anyone that works in mass retail can, but it was supposed to be my day off. However our district manager, T, will be in on Friday, and it's imperative that we pass this visit. Our location will be closing in a few months, and the long and short of it is that we have to prove that we're better that employees at other locations in hopes of getting their jobs when our store closes. It's nice how much big businesses care about their employees. Of course, my personal hope is that by the time our store closes we'll be in a financial position as a family that my income will no longer be necessary, but in the meantime, I'll just keep praying that God's will be done, and do my 100% best for BBV.

Then, after all that was done, it was time to rush home, throw some clothes on me and little man, and then off to church. Which I thoroughly enjoyed tonight; but then I usually do. Being Wednesday, it was my night for Bible study, in which we talked about tithes and offerings. Very interesting stuff, and I learned some new things tonight. Little man had a blast playing with his friends, and (as we usually do after church) we treated ourselves to dinner on the way home. Nothing better than a burger and fries after a long and fulfilling day.

I wish I could say that we'd had a successful day potty training as well. However, in my absence, little man decided he didn't feel like using the potty and wound up spending the better part of the day in pull ups. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. 

I'm still devoting as much time as possible to finishing up my personal project so that I can get back to stocking my store. Of course it wouldn't be taking me this long if I didn't have to give up my day off today, and switch my 5 hour shift tomorrow night for a 9 hour one tomorrow opening the store, but that's more suited to a rant instead of a blog. At any rate I hope to be back to work on my stock no later than Friday night. And I'm still VERY excited about getting back by my favorite craft store to finish stocking up on my yarn while it's on sale. Keep checking back for more information.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday morning Trek

So this morning was fun. I promised hubby I would go out and pick up his copy of the new Ghostbusters game, so that he would have it to play when he got home from work. I spoil him, I know. And trips to Best Buy with the wiggly three year old are always so much fun! Especially when the sales people want to argue with you regarding release dates. You'd think by now, the morning staff would recognize me as the woman that always comes in for the talked about games on street dates. But all's well, because they eventually realized that the crazy gamer lady was right and the game did in fact release today.

Then it was off to my favorite craft store. Wonderful sales this week by the way guys. I was able to grab some yarn for upcoming projects, and can't wait to go back on payday to finish stocking up. Here's a preview of what's to come.
I can't wait to start using some of these beautiful colors. I also snagged some patterns early this afternoon, including a very unique one for dishcloths. So lots of exciting things to come I'm sure. But for today, it's time to start putting in some work on finishing up my personal project, and then time to get ready to go to the "real" job for the night. Fun times.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yeah It's Monday!!!

Fortuantely, this Monday, I'm still totally charged from the amazing church service yesterday. I attend a wonderful church.
At best, it's been a slow/semi productive day so far. I woke up with little man and we spent the morning running some errands before coming home and having some play time. I was able to get a bit of work done on cleaning/organizing my work space. I hope to post a picture of that soon, once I finish getting it situated. Of course, I'll be re-doing it all again soon when we finally move out of the in-laws house. I'm so excited, and can't wait for job confirmation for the hubby so that we can go through with the house we've found for rent. I have to say, I have the most amazing friends. The fact that AP would give me a heads up on her house coming up, before listing it, is so awesome. God has truly blessed me in this area.
Potty training little man is still slow going, but as long as the weather holds, I plan on letting him run around the yard some (sans diaper) to see how that helps.
I'm still busy working on my personal project (re-creating my bathroom organizer as a gift) and can't wait to get back to work on my stock. So that's about it for this afternoon. We'll see what the rest of the week brings.